
Scouts progress through a series of ranks in the program, gaining critical skills along the way and growing in self-reliance. Use the Scout Handbook as a reference for the requirements for each rank, or go to the Advancement and Awards Guide on the BSA website.

Rank Advancement

It is the Scout’s responsibility to schedule a Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review when she has completed the requirements for rank advancement.

Scout Rank

A Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review are NOT required for this rank.  The Scout should turn in a copy of these pages from their Scouts BSA Handbook to the scribes so that he can be recognized.

Scoutmaster Conference

The steps for a Scoutmaster Conference are as follows:

Board of Review

Once a Scout has completed their Scoutmaster Conference, the last step for advancement is completing a Board of Review.  The steps for a Board of Review are as follows:

Recognition for completion of rank will be made at the earliest troop meeting possible. Scouts are recognized again at a formal ceremony called Court of Honor.  Families are encouraged to attend all Courts of Honor.

Adults needed for a Board of Review

When a Scout has completed all of the requirements for a rank, they must appear before a Board of Review (BOR).

All adults in the troop except for ASMs can participate in a Board of Review. A minimum of three (3) adults is needed for each BOR.  Please remember adult participation is necessary for Scouts to advance.

To help Scouts get sign-offs and meet rank requirements to complete through First Class, Advancement Nights are usually held on a Monday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pm at Christ Church.  Check the Troop Calendar to confirm the date for Advancement Night this month.